Let`s Talk About The Specificity Of Sales

Specificity of sales is that that for some years the person “burns out”. Constant business trips, work with objections, changes of motivational schemes bother. And that “drive” which so was pleasant years at 20-25, alas, vanishes, and it would be desirable stability. Whether so to move in marketing?

The life has gone right?
There is constant shortage of qualified personnel on a labour market in sphere of sales and marketing. Especially it is appreciable in real estate, logistics. The staff deficit in insurance has a little decreased, demand in FMCG was stabilised.
Skilled experts, as a rule, are well employed. The cumulative income of the manager on sales makes from $800 to $2000 a month. The companies raise salaries, give bonuses, indemnifications, credits, training at the expense of firm – i.e. are done by everything to keep the employees making profit. Managers on sales work in comfortable conditions: corporate dinners (and sometimes breakfasts), mobile phone payment, the car, corporate holidays. In a word, the life has managed – to wish that else? But … it is boring! And only hed-hantery sometimes entertain trying to entice in other company. And whether costs? Whether to replace a field of activity is better – to pass, for example, in marketing? Whether but so easily it to make, and whether there is a successful seller the capable expert in marketing, whether there will be for it a place on a labour market? And the salary?

Without the right to an error.
According to vacancies in marketing approximately in 2-3 times it is less than on sales.
The companies are interested in the qualified experts with an operational experience in certain sphere. Plus profile education is desirable. And a kind of work in marketing is absolutely other.
If the seller is the tactics, the executor, the expert in marketing is an analyst, the strategist. A problem of the seller is sale of goods or services in the certain volume in the allocated territory according to the plan of sales. A problem of the expert in marketing is the market and target audience analysis, working out and realisation of the general marketing strategy, the programs of advancement of a product, the participation in formation of assortment and the price policy, preparation and work at exhibitions, definition (and a substantiation!) the budget on marketing and advertising, interaction from mass-media and many other things.
The expert in marketing should possess the big set of practice than the seller. And unlike the seller he has no right to an error: one wrong move – and the huge money spent for advertising of the goods will leave “in anywhere”. Thus the expert in marketing should possess strong analytical abilities and creativeness.

Today it is quite simple to find a good b2b connection – this is where a professional appointment setting can help you a lot.

And a final piece of advice – today the Internet technologies give you a truly unique chance to choose exactly what you want for the best price on the market. For example, search for appointment setting companies. You will be surprised how fast you can get range of products and prices for them. Strange, but most of the people don’t use this opportunity. In real practice it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.

Search Google and other search engines. Visit social networks and have a look on the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and participate in the discussion. All this will help you to create a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real opportunity to make a wise and nicely balanced decision.

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