How To Keep Your Email Newsletter Out Of Spam Box

The worst thing that could happen to email newsletter publishing is being accused of sending spam messages and after that being blocked from reaching his or her subscribers.

One of the most challenging things to deal with is being accused of spamming. It could easily cause all types of frustrations.

If you use an email newsletter script on your own website it could result in your ID being blacklisted and after than you will have some troubles with getting your business email delivered.

If you are using third party hosting services, then your domain email will not be blacklisted, but in any case your email newsletters will not reach your subscribers.

Thus, there is a problem of how to avoid all these. Of course, some of the people will mark your messages as spam instead of just unsubscribe from it regardless how easy this procedure is and after that you will have to deal with getting delisted, bit still there are some ways how you can protect yourself from being named spammer.

– You do not have to send spam messages

Today, unfortunately a lot of small business owners do not know what spam is. Spam is not advertisements that you traditionally get for medicines, stocks or winning different international lotteries. In fact, it is absolutely any unsolicited commercial email. Under the word ‘unsolicited’ it means that you sent it to someone who does not request it.

Thus, you do not have to take your whole contact list of emails and add them to your email newsletter. You do not have to add anyone who has not requested to receive sales related emails from you. If it is possible for you, then you need to have an IP address and timestamp providing they requested it.

As well, you have to comply with anti spam act by providing an unsubscribe link in every your email newsletter. If some of your subscribers request removal, you have to remove him or her promptly and be sure that he or she stays removed from your list.

– Double opt in

You always have to require double opt in system. In other words, after the person gives you his or her email address, you have to send a verification email that has to be responded to by a person in order to be added to your email list. In this way you make sure that the email address is correct and you will be able to prevent spamming in the future.

– It is necessary to include a permission reminder and do not forget about unsubscription

Sometimes people forget that they have subscribed to your email newsletter. In order to help them to remind this, you could include a permission reminder somewhere near the top of your email newsletter.

In case you are looking for newsletter template – go to this web site. This is the place where you can see different newsletter templates and choose the ones that fit you better.

And a final piece of advice – today the online technologies give you a truly unique chance to choose exactly what you want for the best price on the market. Funny, but most of the people don’t use this opportunity. In real practice it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the information that you need.

Search Google and other search engines. Visit social networks and have a look on the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and participate in the discussion. All this will help you to build up a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real opportunity to make a smart and nicely balanced decision.

P.S. And also sign up to the RSS feed on this blog, because we will do the best to keep updating this blog with new publications about becoming successful in the email marketing industry and getting great free newsletter templates in particular.

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