Features Of Insurance Of Credit Cars

Given article is calculated on proprietors of credit cars who have decided to be insured on каsко. The phrase, maybe, sounds strange, after all pledge insurance is provided in all banks, simply feature sew the countries (and its inhabitants) what not all and not always is observed by the registered rules. However, borrowers doing not wish to pay under the credit for air, all the same are insured.

The basic nuance concerns long-term contracts of insurance. Long-term contracts of insurance provide the contract conclusion for all term of the credit, but responsibility the insurance company bears after payment of insurance payment for the corresponding period. It means that every year it is possible to change the insurance company if the previous insurer something was not pleasant to you. So, has passed year, the client has a choice:

We remain in the same insurance company, as year earlier.

The contract can be prolonged automatically simply having paid the payment provided for the corresponding period of insurance. This payment can be brought “on credit”. In some banks to you will open the demand line of credit (percent usually same, as well as at crediting – from 26 % annual). From your written approval the bank transfers money of the insurance company, the insurance contract comes into force, you throughout a year close the credit for the insurance. It is necessary to consider that at prolongation of long-term contracts the insurance sums are registered for 5-7 years in grivnas. The majority of motorists took credits in dollars, i.e. car cost in grivnas can not correspond for today to real market cost. At a severe loss (stealing, car utter annihilation) insurance compensation can not suffice to pay off with bank, if the rest under the credit the impressive.

Also insurance payment can be paid parts having agreed with the insurance company and having obtained the written permit of bank. Thus the insurance company applies the extra charge to the tariff from 3 to 15 % (that in any case more low, than percent on the credit for the insurance).
Studying of all documents. The insurance policy or the insurance contract, as a rule, does not bear all information on insurance conditions. To learn all nuances, it is necessary to study (besides, it is desirable together with the expert) insurance rules on which the firm renders the services. And if the insurance contract contains “residue” from insurance rules the insurance policy is the simplified variant of the contract of insurance. Also does not comprise the most interesting. And as you, likely, know, the most interesting is that is written by small print. These are those details and trifles on which at insured event approach the sum of payments (or refusal of payments in general – according to these most, in small print the written conditions depends).
The client decides to change the company (we do not consider the reason).

We are insured in the new company on suitable conditions. Thus it is desirable to write to the former insurer the notice on contract cancellation, the order of cancellation of the contract can be esteemed in the contract – usually it is a text part on 5-8 pages, to read which «hands do not reach». What for to terminate the previous contract? In some contracts of insurance the mechanism of write-off of means for the insurance from the account of the client (the bank grants your loan, on request of the insurer) is provided. Usually insurance company uses this mechanism when your old contract still operates. Or in the event that under the old contract is declared, but not paid losses – subtract the award from the loss sum for the following period of insurance, a difference pay to the client.

Anyone who is serious about getting auto insurance must start from a simple step – go and gather auto insurance quotes all over the Internet. As much as you can.

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