Let`s Consider Obligatory Insurance

Insurance ОI is necessary for automobile owners first of all to secure from occurrence of financial difficulties as a result of road accident. The insurance company will pay all damages without dependence from that, is the insurer the originator of failure or the victim. Besides, the size of insurance payments in most cases repeatedly exceeds cost of registration of obligatory autoinsurance.

One of the main indicators of reliability of the insurance company is term of its presence in the market of insurance services. As a good sign the fact of occurrence of the company in any large financial and industrial structure can serve. It is necessary to be convinced available corresponding licences for fulfilment of operations on insurance. Also pay attention to development of a network of branches of the chosen company, whether she participates in any state and municipal programs of insurance.

For a filing of application about the come insured event you should call in dispatching service of your insurance company. All contact phones are usually specified in an insurance policy, or stand out in the form of an additional plastic card at the moment of the conclusion of the contract of obligatory insurance. It is necessary to consider, what not all insurance companies provide round-the-clock service. In that case you should address to the insurer in the first working day after road accident.
At the reference in the new company the insurer should give data on the insurance history, given out by the previous insurance organisation. Therefore calculation of the insurance award will be spent all the same taking into account the occurred road and transport incident. In case of revealing of roguish actions from outside the insurer, the contract with it stops also it will be obliged to pay the penalty at a rate of 50 % from wrongfully calculated insurance award.

Five ways to save on the autoinsurance.
1. Purchase with mind. Tariffs of autoinsurance КАSКО can differ considerably for different stamps of cars and directly depend on their age. Besides, the insurance companies can enter raising factors on the most “popular” stamps among autocar thieves. If the got car does not belong to this category you can even receive the considerable discount.

2. The franchise. The franchise is understood as an amount of damage which the automobile owner will pay independently. Cost of the insurance with the franchise always much more low.

3. Insurance terms. If you do not use the car during the winter period it is possible to issue insurance only for some months (3, 6 or 9).

4. Car protection. At policy estimation of cost the insurance companies take into consideration presence and type of the established security complex. It is possible to save on the car insurance, having established reliable security system.

5. Accurate driving If you had not accidents throughout several years the insurance companies can give the considerable discount – up to 50 %.

Anyone who is serious about finding auto insurance must start from a simple step – go and gather auto insurance quotes all over the Internet. As much as you can.

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