Let`s Insure Our Cars

The damage at the failure compensated within the limits of contract ОI is estimated by independent experts. But, as shows experiment, appraisers frequently closely are on friendly terms with insurers and in every way reduce indemnification sum to a minimum. Besides examination becomes on the basis of methodical instructions us (the Central research automobile and automotor institute). Thus hundred-imost normo-hours of repair work on an average foreign car, according to these regulations, makes hardly more than 300 roubles in Russia. Clearly that any decent service will not work for such money.

One more reason of understating of the sum of payments — deterioration of a vehicle which is considered at damage accounting. As lawyers speak, business sometimes reaches to the point of irrationality — experts define deterioration of the car at level of 95 %. And after all on also payment under the policy as much decreases! Again it turns out that to restore the car in «to-emergency a kind» on the money received from the insurer is not obviously possible.
But not all is so hopeless. First, the law grants the right to organise examination in case of failure and to the victim, and its insurer is obliged to accept and compensate a damage. Besides, if the insurer has underestimated the sum, it is possible to examine and bring an action. As practice shows, judges almost always support the victim.

Owners of policies face refusals in insurance payment каsко also. The reason is in rules and insurance treaty provisions with which as it is banal sounds, it is necessary to get acquainted to, instead of after insurance payment. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to what is written by small letters. For example, often it is possible to meet such formulation: «the case does not admit insurance if failure has occurred to infringement of rules of traffic». What for then to be insured against a damage as a result of road accident on каsко? If you are not guilty, you and so will obtain compensation on ОI from the insurance company of the originator of failure.

Or here still a phrase: «payment is made behind a deduction before the made payments». That it turns out that if you at first have got to road accident, and in a month your car will steal, you receive only a part from its cost as from the insurance sum the means which have been given out to you earlier on repair of the car will be subtracted. And such dodges in autoinsurance contracts there is a set, and all new schemes of a course from payments are constantly invented. All it means that to approach to a choice of the insurer it is necessary equally responsibly, and as at purchase каsко and ОI.

Anyone who is realistic about getting auto insurance must start from a simple step – go and gather auto insurance quotes all over the Internet. As much as you can.

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