Socializing Instead Of Promoting Your Link Building Strategy

The online world is an environment where socializing is a key element to building ones presence. You may wish to purely build a presence for yourself but most often it’s about building the presence of your blog or site.

Part of the presence building process is to create links to your site. But it’s not just any links that you are looking for. Links need to come from sites that have at least a PageRank of 3 and preferably more. Receiving a link back from other blogs with a high PR will build your blog’s reputation.

One of the best ways to encourage other bloggers to link back to you is by participating in the social environment of the internet. This may be in various forms from one on one conversations to crowd chat.

Connect with people and they will connect back. One way to connect is to comment on other people’s blogs. Be sure to be polite and to voice well thought out opinions. Contribute meaningful content, don’t just make a noise to be noticed. You need the right kind of attention. Besides you may ended up in the spam folder and your comment may never see the light.

Another way to connect is to participate on forums that deal with topics that you write about or are interested in. If you are in the Marketing Niche then one of the best forums is Warrior Forum. Make a name for yourself by commenting and offering good content that forum participants can benefit from. And do this regularly.

Sign up to social networking sites such as Digg, Mixx or StumbleUpon. Participate by supporting articles that you find of interest, vote for them, comment on them and in general show that you are an interested member of this special community.

The new social networking sites are also spaces where you can participate. These would be Facebook, MySpace and Twitter amongst a host of sites that offer a sharing and community environment.

Set up fan pages and provide content that people are interested in.  Comment on the activities and interests of your friends and participate in a respectful manner by listening, sharing and contributing on topics that are of interest to others.

Twitter is the newly popular kid on the block. This is a networking site that allows a maximum of 140 characters per message. Participate by sharing some part of your life, your interests and your opinion. Listen to what others have to say and contribute to their conversation.

Besides the above there are other opportunities to contribute your opinion, share the other person’s experiences and knowledge and to participate in a two way conversation. Some of these are Flickr the photo image sharing site YouTube the premier video sharing site.

Then there are Wikis that you can set up on a topic that you are expert on or share information on other people’s wikis. You can contribute to Wikipedia and provide information to this amazing knowledge site.

The more you participate the more your name will be recognised. Where ever you have the opportunity make sure that your blog’s URL is visible. But do stick with the internet protocol of holding a two way conversation which means that your blog is mentioned but not promoted like an ad in the Super Bowl or even worse it’s the only contribution you make.

Be very careful that you are not considered a spammer by over promoting your blog or site. The online world works the best if your promotion of yourself is low key. People will check your site if you are interesting and contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.

Are You Socializing Already? Please Socialize With Me and Follow Me at Twitter or Tweet This

To Your Success,

Luis Torres

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15 thoughts on “Socializing Instead Of Promoting Your Link Building Strategy

  1. Hi Luis,

    Thank you. This article is very timely.
    Yes I love socializing. I love Facebook.
    One thing I love with Facebook, is that you can connect with people in your area – one advantage that local businesses can gain (e.g., restaurants).

    Do you have a fan page at Facebook? I want to be your fan. 🙂

    1. Hi Medo Joe,

      Welcome to my blog.

      Actually submitting a site to Blogcatalog or MyBlogLog also helps you to be on the first page of the serps, even that your site may not be on the serps 1st page you may get an indirect link to your site cuz Google likes these sites.

  2. Hello Luis,

    You gave some great advice in your article and I agree with everything you said. I’m a member of all the sites you mentioned and they can be very beneficial when used properly. Unfortunately, there are so many people who abuse some of the social networking sites.

    If you want people to visit your site, the worst thing a person can do, it continually try to sell something. The most important thing people should be doing is building trust and relationships. Once you’ve done that, people will listen to what you say and also frequent your site/blog.

    Thanks for another informative post!
    .-= Robert´s last blog ..Supplement Your Income As An Affiliate Marketer =-.

    1. Hi Robert,

      I think people does not how to sell. Almost everybody does not like sellers, so if you sound like one so openly you will make them to raise an impenetrable barrier and they will not listen to you at all.

      People buy based on what they “TRUST”. People need to buy “US” first before than to “buy From US”, after some Trust then they may listen and will buy.

  3. It’s nice to build relationship with people online because they are mostly the first source of the traffic. But I suggest not socializing too much because it sucks up time that there is a possibility to forget about your work.

    Nice article Luis, thanks.

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