How To Optimise Your White Hat Or Natural SEO

Once you have set up your blog and started populating it with content you need to take the process one step further. Remember that you will have chosen a set of keywords already and established the topic of your niche.

Now take this foundation and optimise it further. The questions that will come up will be what further keywords should you go after? What topics should you write about and what sites should you try to get links from?

You need to work out how to track your traffic and work out where you get the most traffic from. Work on multiplying the traffic that you are already getting now to make it even more effective.

Google offers a great analytics tool, Google Analytics. With this tool you can see what keywords are driving you the most visits. The way to do this is to go to ‘traffic sources’ and ‘keywords’ and then click on non-paid.

The results will only be of the top 10 term so you might want to expand to 50 to establish where your traffic might be coming from. Check to see what is sending you the most clicks.  You will probably find that it’s only five or six words. After that it drops off quickly.

Your name will probably show up first. If you are selling a product, that might show second.  Take your next search words and type them into Google and see how you rank on those.

For every spot that you can move up in terms of Google search results the more clicks you will get. It can improve your clicks up to 10 to 20% higher. If you move from spot 2 to spot 1 your volume can more than triple. Position is everything.

Position also counts highly when looking at the keywords. Ranking number 1 on a medium value term will be worth more than a lower ranking on a higher value term. Quality is also essential. So ranking number one is far more valuable than having a list of terms ranking say at number 10 spot.

Focus on getting your keywords to the top three spots. It makes a huge difference to your traffic results and the return if you are selling a product. Of course it would be foolish to spend effort on ranking a term if there are no searches for it.

Avoid this mistake by checking your Analytics and seeing what has enough search volume pointing to the keywords already.

Once you have some keywords, or even just one keyword in the first three positions you can now start using and promoting keywords around this well positioned keyword. You can use Google Wonder Wheel and Google Suggest together to work out what words will fit around your prominent keyword and will add to the value of your blog.

These results will be different for Google Suggest and Google Wonder Wheel. This is because Google Suggest shows you the most commons searches that match the terms you are typing.

While Google Wonder Wheel shows you the most closely related searches organised by theme.

Once you have these allied keywords identified, use them to create content. As with your normal keyword use, include them in the title of your copy, in your page title, meta descriptions and in the body of your articles.

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To Your Success,

Luis Torres

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9 thoughts on “How To Optimise Your White Hat Or Natural SEO

  1. Thank you Luis for sharing the secrets of using Google.
    You are right, proper optimization and keyword analysis is one great technique to increase traffic and ranking of our blog or websites.
    And I see that content creation is still the ultimate ingredient to every site’s success.

    1. Hi Amor,

      Im glad you came by.

      It seems Google has not make too much fuzz about this tools, maybe thats why it is not much known.

      But I prefer to use only one tool like the Micro Niche Finder instead of researching with lots of tools, I am a little bit lazy, lol.

  2. @Luis.

    Hi getclicky also another tool which is very very useful. But it is not free. You can make use of 30 days trial and if you want then remind it. In my knowledge getclicky is better.

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