Testing New Business Ideas

If you have a internet business you may have reached a point that you would like to expand. This is a normal experience for home business owners especially if they have reached the point where they reached the top of Google and other major search engines for their prime keywords and phrases. Usually this will occur after a year or so of work as long as you are building links and authority to your website every day. As you search the internet you will be filled with new thoughts and ideas about online business. Your mind will take the ideas from other sources and convert them into your own ideas. Perhaps you see something on a blog that you would like to try with yours. Now you don’t want to take the exact duplicate of what you see on someone elses website or blog because this would be plagiarism, but if you like a widget or layout that a blogger is using try to find one like it. Remember you want your website or blog to be unique not a rip off, but you can take many ideas from many different sources to create something completely new in itself.

Once good example of an online business that took ideas from other online businesses, but created something unique if Face Book. They took the connectivity of myspace and brought it to the next level. If you look at myspace.com then switch to facebook.com you will see the same main ideas, but facebook.com didn’t copy myspace.com they took what was good with myspace.com and improved it. If you are not sure what to do or what you can create search the internet especially through the niche that you are interested in. You can see what other people are creating and maybe catch an idea from all these websites. This is also a good time to see what is missing in your niche. A good example of this is if you start an online business blog, but want to get a little more specific. You are not sure what to create your blog about so you search the web and find missing categories within a niche.

Now starting a new presence can be a little bit scary. There are ways to test out an idea before spending countless hours creating a full blown website or blog on a certain topic. Use websites such as squidoo.com or hubpages.com to see how much interest certain subjects spark with an audience. If it goes well then you may want to consider building a full website or blog and begin an entire internet marketing campaign. If the subject is not well received by the intended audience then all you are stuck with is a simple web page that didn’t get a response usually less than a hundred hours of work (including marketing). Testing will be a key factor of your success gain a knowledge of the subject you want to create a presence on then create a mini website to test.

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