Site Promotion: Find Out The Real Formula Of Success.

Services in promotion of sites in a network Internet have become extremely popular in the last years. The Internet audience grows the fast rates; many firms get sites and wish to involve target visitors on them. It is possible to say with confidence that there is the whole branch attending to advancement of sites on the Internet. Among advertisers the most popular service is in advancement of sites in search systems. More than 2/3 interrogated clients used on optimization of sites, and almost half (49 %) contextual advertising. At the client on search optimization, concepts SEO and advertising practically coincide. Though, actually, SEO and advertising is enough different from each other.

What is the complex advancement or the simple formula of success?

Complex advancement is the term, which can be treated differently. One interpret it as advancement in search systems on a considerable quantity of inquiries (on all semantic nucleus), others mean by it use of all possible kinds of Internet advertising, the third include here works on optimization and contextual advertising. All treatments of the term are correct in own way.

In the given article I wish to expand the term “complex advancement”, to approach it to advertising. I will understand as complex advancement a number of advertising, marketing and technical actions over a site, and not just advancement in search systems. More visually it is possible to present in the form of the formula:

Complex advancement = (Advertising + Marketing) + work with a site + SEO;

Where: Advertising + Marketing – detailed studying of what will be advertised (the goods or service), creation of advertising copies for contextual advertising and for a site;

Work with a site – all actions over a site that it became the effective instrument of sales of goods or services;

SEO – the technical actions directed on attraction of the target search traffic.

One of the elements of complex advancement is studying of the goods (service) and the organization.

Ask a question to the expert in Internet advancement: “What do you advertise?”, if he answers “site”, he will not be right. You should advertise not the site, and that on this site is presented, i.e. the goods and services. Hence, quite logical will try to study from different directions both the goods (service), and the organization, which renders this service (or makes the goods). Not out of place will study also the clients, i.e. the person who uses the goods (service) of your client.

Here are questions on which the competent advertising expert should try to find answers:

1. What is list of the offered goods or services?

2. What are prices of goods or services? How the prices are formed? Are there discounts from the prices and on what they depend?

3. What are methods of delivery of the goods (service)?

4. What do differ the given goods (service) from the similar goods (services) of competitors?

5. Who purchases (can purchase) the given goods (service)? What are age, incomes, and the purchase reasons of clients? What is the category of clients: private, corporate, wholesalers?

6. What technologies do the firm use? What are competitive advantages at firm?

Following the results of goods and firm researchers is formed the list of competitive advantages (the selling moments) for their use in advertising materials: texts on a site, texts in contextual advertising. And after that, you should work on promotion of these goods. Good luck!

In case you are looking for new online business opportunities – go to this web site. This is the place where you can see different online business opportunities and choose the ones that fit you better.

And some general tips – today the online technologies give you a truly unique chance to choose exactly what you need at the best terms which are available on the market. Strange, but most of the people don’t use this opportunity. In real life it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the information that you need.

Search Google and other search engines. Visit social networks and check the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and join the online discussion. All this will help you to create a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real chance to make a wise and nicely balanced decision.

P.S. And also sign up to the RSS feed on this blog, because we will everything possible to keep this blog tuned up to the day with new publications about the market of online business opportunities.

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