Training Of Sales And Training Sale

From the beginning of 90th years in Ukraine active sales became popular mainly because of imitation the western business. The western sales is, first of all, active, technological sales which have entered at us «into a fashion» as a counterbalance to the Soviet trade frankly not wishing to sell and openly despising the buyers.

On the western technology of active sales the schooled seller professionally presents himself, appearing before the client in an accurate business suit with invariable «the American smile», thus, despite the mouth stretched in a smile, eyes remain emotionally-discharged and a bit cold. He tells pleasant words and encourages the client, without having to him any personal relation. At last, he actively praises highly the goods, skilfully shading its lacks and showing advantages of the company, without responding critically about the companies-competitors. Anything bad on active sales is not present. However, as they say, «wanted as better, and it has turned out as always». Namely, active sales at us have quickly turned to the aggressive.

In many companies have passed cycles of rigid trainings of sales on which trainers, vigorous young men, «inflating cheeks», told thought up “cases” about mad success of any mythical seller, in every possible way showing to the become silent listeners own supersuccess. The red thread on such trainings fixed a principle « not to be important, important to seem». Trained our seller or, in a western way, the manager on sales, with the underlined pleasure presents himself, without noticing that its client has a constraint in movements. If the goods, and the information or service are not on sale, active-aggressive sale is under construction within the limits of relations of the adviser and the client “from top to down” with use of technologies of PR-processing.

“The abrupt” adviser comes and says that he «knows all» and « will learn to all », and starts to “untwist” the potential client. In such dialogue only the adviser comfortably feels, and “pecks” on the service offered by such “star” adviser, more often, the diffident client. Uncertain clients at us becomes ever less. Therefore from aggressive sales our active, strong and successful compatriots, those who make purchases or transactions more often, — aspire to separate.

If in salon of shop the seller runs up at once and vigorously asks questions: «Whan can I help you?» Or « is something interests you?», the client quickly leaves or instantly parries: « I will understand by myself». Important is that in character of the person there is a mistrust to everything that “too”. We will recollect an aphorism “all that glitters is not gold”. If the seller behaves too in a pointed manner, uses active-aggressive receptions of PR-technologies and NLP-influences, the potential buyer, most likely, will not believe, will feel pressure and will refuse the imposed goods, the information or service.

Today it is quite simple to find a good b2b connection – this is where a professional appointment setting can help you a lot.

And some general tips – today the online technologies give you a truly unique chance to choose exactly what you want at the best terms which are available on the market. For example, search for appointment setters. You will be surprised how fast you can get set of products and prices for them. Funny, but most of the people don’t use this chance. In real practice it means that you must use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.

Search Google and other search engines. Visit social networks and check the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and join the discussion. All this will help you to build up a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real chance to make a smart and nicely balanced decision.

And also sign up to the RSS on this blog, because we will do the best to keep updating this blog with new publications about appointment setting industry.

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