Management Of A Fighting Command Of Sales

Heads of sales are necessary for successful work of your fighting command. It is the general principle of management. When to armies direct two soldiers to dig a ditch from a fence till a dinner, one of these soldiers appoint the senior. The most simple variant of department of sales: one commander + fighters or the commander + his assistant + fighters. In more presentable registration: the sales manager + the chief of department of sales + fighters. Such structure approaches for small and average commands from 5-8 fighters. If in a command it is necessary to collect more fighters who can organise some such brigades working in parallel. Other variant is department of sales with two levels of management. In this case managers on sales directly submit to heads of groups.
In one such department of sales there can be 2-8 groups. Its head and subordinates enters into everyone – from 1 to 8. In total in group there can be 2-9 employees, and in department – 5-57. Certainly, you can organise such departments working in parallel.

Heads of department of sales carry out some problems.

– Administrative management of department. Certain actions are necessary for effective work: daily, weekly and monthly.
– Introduction, updating and development of technology of sales.
– Executions of technologies and standards of sales.
– Participation in selection and hiring of employees.
– Training of employees.
– Intracorporate trainings of sales.
– Participation in sales of employees, in the largest and difficult negotiations.

Here we will note the main thing: technologies and standards of sales is a paper. And the paper does not live without the person who drives in with a cudgel into heads of employees and provides execution of all technologies and the standards developed with such work. After all without these documents of sale never will be stable. And nothing can guarantee performance of the plan of sales. Heads of sales should be these people with cudgels also.
Above we spoke about selection, employment, adaptation and vocational training of employees. I wish to pay your attention to how their qualification develops and as their results vary.

The young fighters in the work beginning are not capable to sell. Those who stably does many calls and meetings are perspective from them. From those who sits in place and complains of a life will not be a sense. Be with them ruthless – for their blessing. Kick them so. That they ran. If it does not help – “shoot down”.
The first sales to young fighters are done by you. They will organise to you a meeting with the client. A scorching heat of that represent that all merit belongs to the young fighter. He minds, saying that all were made by you. And it is right. Nevertheless you swear and swear, that it is only his merit. The purpose is that young fighters felt winners. That they have felt taste of blood.

On a following stage the best of young growth will be capable to eliminate clients. To select from hundreds a little the most perspective and to prepare them for negotiations with you. And you strike finishing blow. You are a hunter adjusting game. If effectively to organise work you all day long can be engaged only in the conclusion of transactions. And all spadework will be done by your fighters. At this stage the young growth already provides the companies powerful additional profit. Though all of them cannot sell yet.

Today it is quite easy to find a good business 2 business connection – this is where a professional appointment setting can help you a lot.

And some general tips – today the Internet technologies give you a really unique chance to choose what you want at the best terms which are available on the market. For example, search for appointment setting services. You will be surprised how fast you can receive variety of products and prices for them. Funny, but most of the people don’t use this chance. In real life it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.

Search Google or other search engines. Visit social networks and check the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and join the online discussion. All this will help you to build up a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real opportunity to make a wise and nicely balanced decision.

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