We Write The Application For Insured Event

There was a trouble – your car has received damages. Most likely, your property is insured, you address in the insurance company and receive insurance compensation by money resources or repair the car at the expense of the insurer.

Let’s more in detail stop on one of the first stages of dialogue with the insurance company – a filing of application about insured event.

First, if you are not the proprietor of the car and operate the car by proxy – to the reference in the insurance company specify whether possibility of a filing of application from the authorised representative is supposed and what kind there should be a power of attorney. In some insurance companies it is required notarially certified (so-called “general”) power of attorney, in some companies will approach also the hand-written power of attorney from the proprietor in common form.

Secondly, very attentively fill the column about circumstances of incident. Re-read article name. The statement for insured event. Confuses nothing? Yes-yes, the statement is not about vehicle damages, namely about insured event.

It is necessary to explain that frequently the insurer at registration of the contract of insurance does not receive the necessary information, and considers that getting policy КАsКО secures the car. This is popular belief. In policy КАSКО and also in insurance rules accurate definition of insured event contains, insurance risks are listed. Insurance risk are those circumstances in which as the result your car can receive damages and then the insurance company has a duty to restore the insured vehicle. Your car is insured not from all!

Therefore describing damages you should specify accurately and unequivocally a place, date and circumstances of reception of damages. And that the insurer could recognise the given event insurance, these circumstances should correspond to insurance risks. In each insurance company the list of insurance risks the different. But, as a rule, such risks as road and transport incidents, illegal actions of the third parties, a fire and acts of nature are included into the list of insurance risks of any company.

Thus, the event description in your statement of a kind «was washed by the car and has seen a dent …», «damages are received under unknown circumstances …», «has left on parking, a week later has found out damages …» will not allow the insurance company to establish the reason of reception of damages and their conformity to insurance risks, that is the insurance company has quite well-founded right of refusal in insurance payment.

At all I do not urge you to deceive the insurance company. The security service of the insurer is connected to work, and at necessity and the independent expert organisation which will spend auto-technical will prove that damages are received as a result of other circumstances rather than you have specified in the statement – and it is refusal in insurance payment and the indemnification of the insurance company.

Anyone who is serious about finding auto insurance must start from a simple step – go and gather auto insurance quotes all over the Internet. As much as you can.

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