Win 125 dlls in Cash plus Prizes in Every Action Counts Christmas Contest

Banner Designed By Make Money Online Ben Pei Follow Him On Twitter

This is the very first contest held in Marketing-Business-Review dot Com and this is to thank all of my readers and/or visitors.

The Contest will Last from Today until January 17, 2009.

I put the name of “Every Action Counts” to the contest due to its nature, basically almost every action you made in this site will give you credits.

You will need to perform some actions that are mandatory to enter the contest after those ones you will be able to do as many of the Non-mandatory actions that will give you more credits to help you win. After doing those actions you will need to comment because only the ones that get into the Top Commentator (It has being reset it and there is 10 places to be in) will be eligible to win.

In this contest I will not pick the winner by any draw, you will win by making the most credits.

What Will Be Your Prizes

1.- 100 dlls in Cash via Paypal plus another 25 dlls in Cash By Marketing Business Review

The 100 dlls you will get them by doing the most credits and being in the first 10 commentators, you could be in the last spot of the Top Commentator and still win the 100 dlls due to the actions performed, there is actually the possibility that anyone not winning the first place could opt to just comment a lot and get the first place at the Top Commentator and get those 25 dlls in Cash via Paypal.

We can actually have 2 winners, one for the credits alone and other for being the first place in the Top Commentator widget.

2.- Adverts 125×125 for 30 Days.

Marketing Business Review worth 20 dlls

Everyday Living worth 30 dlls

Free Money Maker worth 10 dlls

Amor Francis worth 20 dlls

3.- Featured Links for 30 Days

Marketing Business Review worth 5 dlls

Shanker Bakshi dot Com worth 10 dlls

Free Money Maker worth worth 5 dlls

4.- 1000 EC

Free Money Maker worth 6 dlls

5.- Ebooks

Pei Profits dot Com Make Money Online Instant Blog Traffic worth 47 dlls

What Did You Get If You Win.

First Place:

100 dlls plus the 25 dlls if you get in the first place in the Top Commentator widget.

Advert 125×125 You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.

Featured Link for 1 Month You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.

1000 EC If you dont have Entrecard, you can sign up for FREE.

Ebook “Instant Blog Trafficby Ben Pei

When the first place get all his prizes, it would leave 5 more prizes, 3 Adverts 125 and 2 Text Link Ads that will be awarded to 2,3,4,5,6 places.

You can also win the 25 dlls just for being in the contest and commenting to be Number one in the Top Commentator.

How To Enter

You just have to do the following actions that are mandatory to be eligible to enter and win:

  • Post about this contest in your blog, you have to include a link to this post as well as links to my Sponsors including the banner above. They are helping you and me so please lets give them something back, do not forget those links please. You will need to comment in this post including a link to the post in your site. Credits: 100
  • Also you need to subscribe by Email to the feed or to the Newsletter. You need to use the same email for both commenting in here and for the subscription. Credits: 100 (If you want to subscribe to both Feed and Newsletter it is after you, but it is not mandatory, only one it is need it to enter, but if you do, add yourself another extra 100 credits)

That´s it, you just have entered the contest with 200 credits or 300 if you had done the above mentioned.

How To Win

Just do the most actions possible and enough comments to be in the Top Commentator widget, If you want to take it all, then comment to be in the first place in the Top Commentator and win the full 125 dlls (In case there is someone commenting a lot and is the First Top Commentator but haven’t entered the contest then the first place will be to the next Commentator that had actually entered the contest).

Regular Actions

Get Social: Credits: 40 each

FollowMe in Twitter

Be My FaceBook Friend

Add Me as Friend In StumbleUpon

Add me to your BlogCatalog Friends

Join MyBlogLog Community

Download Alexa Tool Bar

Join to Money Makers. Credits: 80 each

Make Money Online with Kontera

Make Money Online with MidPhase Affiliates

Make Money Online with Deal dot Com

Premium Actions. Credits: 200 each

This actions may cost some money, I recommend you, not to do any of this actions just for the sake of winning, instead If you really NEED any of this software or services, then take the prize as a Bonus for something you already need.

Make Money Online with Instant Article Wizard Pro

Make Money Online with FirePow Blogging Tool

Make Money Online with OIO Publisher

Make Money Online with Ninja Affiliate PlugIn

Make Money Online with Aweber Autorresponder


Make Money Online with MidPhase Hosting

Make Money Online with HostGator Hosting

Commenting To Win

Now that you had done any of the actions above, the next step it is to leave a comment in this post about all the actions you had made and to make all your credits count you just have to comment enough to be in any of the 10 spot in the “Top Commentator” widget.

Comments. Credits: 10 each

Use the same name and email to comment in all the posts as well in every actions you do use the same email, so I can track you down easier.

If you want to be a Sponsor, just leave a comment in this post saying your intention, we will be accepting sponsors during the contest.

Thats it! I Wish you a Very Good Luck and early Merry Christmas, Hope you enjoy the contest.

Lets the Contest Begins

UPDATE: (January 12, 2009).

It seems the widget for subscribing to the feed by email in the right upper corner it is not working properly. You can Subscribe here in this link:

(It is mandatory to be subscribed to the feed by email or to the newsletter to Enter the contest)

Don´t forget to confirm to be subscribed.

UPDATE (January 17th, 2009).

Winners of the Contest.

1st PlaceSherry with 6750 credits and 498 comments.


125 dlls

1 Advert 125×125 You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.

Featured Link for 1 Month You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.

1000 EC

Ebook “Instant Blog Trafficby Ben Pei

2nd PlaceIan – with 5300 credits and 332 comments.


2 Adverts 125×125 for 1 month

3rd PlaceFat– 740 credits and 14 comments.


1 Advert 125×125 for 1 month

4th Place– Christina with 230 credits and 2 comments.


1 Text Link ad

5th Place– Suwari with 210 credits and 1 comment.


1 Text Link ad

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278 thoughts on “Win 125 dlls in Cash plus Prizes in Every Action Counts Christmas Contest

  1. @Sherry- Yeah maybe you are right, I dont know but maybe this theme its not working as it should.

    @Ian- Oh yes you are right I forgot about fat, but she had not done anything from the last time.

    This is the Update of credits by competitor:

    1st Place- Sherry with 1440 credits and 88 comments

    2nd Place- Ian with 1070 credits and 17 comments

    3rd Place- Fat- 690 credits and 13 comments

    4th Place- Christina with 110 and 1 comment (If I see your subscription by email, then you will successfully entered the contest and will have 210 credits instead of 110)

  2. Luis you said: \"When the first place get all his prizes, it would leave 5 more prizes, 3 Adverts 125 and 2 Text Link Ads that will be awarded to 2,3,4,5,6 places.\" When will the first place does not have all prices. What happened if there are only 4 contestant but there is 6 place?

    ians last blog post..Getting traffic from commenting

  3. Wow how many comments. I am not mad but will appreciate comments with some value as Ian stated and in different posts not just hundreds in the same ones. Now I guess I will call this blog “ForBlog” it looks more like a Forum than blog now, lol. You 2 Ian and Sherry are real funny dudes,lol. This is a real fight, you 2 are amazing. Let me post some article where you both can comment. Maybe it could be a good idea if you both or any other new competitor try to comment in the first post of this blog, maybe post from june or july, look for the ones you have missed.

    You two helped me to improve my alexa from 182k to 168k in 3 days, even and the widget says 182k, my alexa toolbar shows 168,504 this should be my new Alexa ranking, even my Technorati Authority went from 11 to 15 thanks to you two.

    Thanks a lot, but slow it down a lil, I dont want “G” may look this as weird thing happening in my site.

    @Ian-The first place will get:
    -100 dlls plus the 25 dlls if you get in the first place in the Top Commentator widget.
    -Advert 125×125 You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.
    -Featured Link for 1 Month You choose the site where you prefer to display your ad.
    -1000 EC If you dont have Entrecard, you can sign up for FREE.
    -Ebook “Instant Blog Traffic” by Ben Pei

    That means there are left 3 Adverts 125 and 2 Text Link Ads prizes one for each one, the 2nd place will choose first from these prizes and then the 3rd one and so on. If there are only 4 places then the second will have the chance to choose 2 prizes out of the 5.

    @Sherry- Dont worry I am not mad at any of you, you really make me laugh.

    This is the Update of credits by competitor:

    1st Place- Sherry with 2270 credits and 171 comments

    2nd Place- Ian with 2060 credits and 106 comments

    3rd Place- Fat- 740 credits and 14 comments

    4th Place- Christina with 110 and 1 comment (If I see your subscription by email, then you will successfully entered the contest and will have 210 credits instead of 110)

  4. @Sherry- Dont worry, I really Thank you a lot for been a great competitor in my site. You two have helped me a lot with the stats of my site. I will post more often so you can have a place to comment.

  5. Sory Luis, I think I’ll stop commenting. It is starting to get out of control. Sherry will win. Maybe she need to money real bad. I’ll just let her win. She will do anything to win, including useless comments. I now have many backlink to my blog. Google might penalize me for this.

    ians last blog post..Getting traffic from commenting

  6. @travel idea- Thanks a lot, Great info to travel in your site.

    @FreeMonerMAker- Hey, hi buddy, how are you? thanks to visit me and also for thinking in signing in to my feed.

  7. @Ian- Yes, if she have the highest number of credits plus the first place in the Top commentator. But the most credits won the 100 dlls, the extra 25 dlls is for the first place in Top Commentator. So actually someone can win the contest without winning the 25 dlls. Ian you may do some other actions like subscribing to the feed besides to only the Newsletter and you can have an extra 100 credits or any other action that will give you a lot of credits without the need to comment that much.

    @Sherry- Its not bad to have a backlink, but having backlinks from the same place in the number you may have can be dangerous if “G” consider that as a spammer account. Try to leave comments that give something back for the other readers like tips that the blogger miss or something like it.

    @Christina- I have confimed your subscriptin and now you just entered the contest. Thanks.

  8. @Sherry Coming chinese new year? Is that really important? I can post comments like you did, and reply all your comments, but it will make this blog very ugly. Can you send my your facebook email? Just email me at my contact form at I want to see what do look like.

    ians last blog post..WordPress newsletter plugin updated

  9. This is the Update of credits by competitor:

    1st Place- Sherry with 2630 credits and 207 comments.

    2nd Place- Ian with 2130 credits and 113 comments.

    3rd Place- Fat- 740 credits and 14 comments.

    4th Place- Christina with 230 and 2 comments.

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