Link Wheel Vs. Link Bait

When you begin a website or blog you will quickly find that no one will come to your presence unless you begin internet marketing. Marketing online will not be something that you can learn overnight and will be changing constantly with new resources being created and major search engine algorithms being changed. There are several sources across the web which you can use if you would like to start learning about search engine optimization or social marketing. These are the major two forms of free internet marketing and this post will be focusing on search engine optimization rather than social marketing. First you should be searching Google and the other major search engines for the top SEO blogs. These people spend all of their time just figuring out exactly how the search engines work and what the best practices are for ranking well within the search engines. I spend quite a bit of time on SEO at my make money blog.

Usually when trying to learn about SEO you will come across two common terms which are important in the SEO world. The first term is the link wheel and is a strange name given to a web presence network full of websites, blogs, pages, and articles all linking one way and all linking to a main website or blog. This is the exact definition of a link wheel, but really it is not very helpful for us who are pretty much making our living off of the web. The majority of us do not have a few articles, pages, blogs, or websites. Personally my make money network has one main website, a blog, and a directory. This is only one of my major networks making me money so creating a simple link wheel is a little ridiculous. Now I do understand the theory behind the link wheel which is promoting the website which is helping you make money online. Also promoting the smaller links which are pointing towards your money maker. Rather than creating a link wheel make sure you link everything to the highest paying of your web presences and try building links to the pages that link to your website.

The second term which you will find in the different web master communities such as is the term “link bait”. Usually webmasters strive to create content which is considered link bait. The reason link bait is a good thing is it will do the internet marketing for you. Link bait is when you create content that is good enough to be linked to without you having to ask or promote the content. You write an authority article about a topic and the webmasters within the niche will link to it when they read it and think it will help their audience. You should constantly be trying to build links in this manner. Every article you write think about whether or not you would link to it and what you can do to make the best content possible.

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